
Discipline Philosophy

Gingerbread Kids Academy recognizes that some children on various days will have difficulty cooperating with the rest of the group. Sometimes children will demonstrate inappropriate behavior; this will be the policy of the day care center:

  1. The child will first be prompted verbally about his/her behavior and hope correction occurs.
  2. The child will be prompted verbally again to discontinue the behavior that is not desired. If the child does not use the second prompt, the child will be removed to a pre-designated area. This area will be in full view of teachers, aides and classmates. We hope by watching the rest of the class continue the activity, a child will model desirable behaviors exhibited by their classmates.
  3. The child will be encouraged to rejoin the group when they feel their behavior can conform more closely to the rest of the group, and they can participate without disrupting the rest of the group.
  4. If a child repeatedly disrupts the class he/she will be placed in a designated area and not have the choice to rejoin his/her class without first talking to the Director, Assistant Director, Head Teacher or designated staff persons.
  5. A child who is removed from the group will have a redirect period of 2-5 minutes based on maturity of child and age.

Anyone who has reasonable cause to believe that any child has been or is being subjected to any form of hitting, corporal punishment, abusive language, ridicule, harsh humiliating or frightening treatment, or any other kind of child abuse, neglect or exploitation by any adult, whether working at the center or not, is required by New Jersey State Law to report the concern immediately to Departmen of Children and Families, toll free at (800)792-8610 or to any district office. Such report may be made anonymously. Any parents who wish to receive more information may contact DCF at the above number.

Policy on the Release of Children

Our Center must have a policy concerning the release of children to parents or people authorized by the parents to be responsible for the child. Please discuss with us your plans for your child's departure from the center. We encourage all parents to make the appropriate documentation on the application to avoid any unforeseen problems with the drop off or departure of students. Each child may be released only to the child's custodial parents or person authorized by the custodial parents, to take the child from the center and to assume responsibility for the child in an emergency if the custodial parents can not be reached. Proper identification of those persons is required. A child shall not be visited by or released to a non-custodial parent unless the custodial parent specifically authorizes the center to allow such visits or release in writing. This written authorization, including name, address, phone number and photo (optional) shall be maintained in the file. If a non-custodial parent has been denied to a child by a court order, the Center shall secure documentation to that effect and maintain a copy on file. Written procedures are to be followed by staff members if the parents or person authorized by the parents as specified in above fails to pick up a child at the time of the Center's daily closing. The procedure shall require:

  1. The child is supervised at all time.
  2. Staff members attempt to contact the parents or person authorized by the parents.
  3. Emergency contact person will be contacted to pick up child.
  4. An hour or more after closing time and provided that the other authorized persons have failed to pick up the child, and the staff member can not continue to supervise the child at the Center, the staff member shall call the Department of Children and Families 24-hour Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-792-8610 to seek assistance in caring for the child until the parents or person authorized by the child's parents is able to pick up the child.
  5. The Director will discuss with the parents if continued problems arise.

It is the policy of the Center that if it is determined that the parent or person authorized by the parent appear to be physically and or emotionally impaired, to the extent that in the judgment of the Director or staff member, the child would be placed at risk of harm if released to such an individual, the procedures shall require that:

  1. The child will not be released to such an impaired individual.
  2. Staff members attempt to contact the child's other parent or alternate person authorized by the parent.
  3. If the Center is unable to make alternative arrangements as noted in #4 above, a staff member shall call theDepartment of Children and Families 24-hour Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-792-8610 to seek assistance in caring for the child.

Policy on Participation and Visitation

Our Center must offer parents of enrolled children ample opportunity to participate in and observe the activities of the center. Parents wishing to participate in the activities or operations of the Center should discuss their interest with the Center's Director, who can advise them of what opportunities are available. Parents of enrolled children may visit our center at any time without having to secure prior approval from the Director or any staff member. Please feel free to do so when you can. We welcome visits from parents and encourage participation in programming.

Day Trips and Outings

Our Center must inform parents in advance of every field trip, outing, or special event away from the center and must obtain prior written consent from parents before taking a child on such a trip.

Health Policy

All children are required to receive a physical exam prior to admission in the program. All children must have all necessary immunizations and physician's note indicating a schedule of immunizations, prior to admission. According to the New Jersey State Department of Health requirements, and in the best interests of your child, he/she must be kept at home if he/she shows and of the following symptoms: Rashes or inflamed skin areas, Fever or headache, Abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting, Diarrhea, Earache, Sore throat, Inflammation of the eyes, Enlarged glands, Persistent Cough. If a note from a physician is submitted to the center stating that any of these ailments aren't transmittable to other children and/or adults, then the child can return to the Center. If a child develops any of these symptoms in school, the parent or guardian will be notified and requested to pick up the child as soon as possible.

Medication Dispensing Policy

  1. Whenever possible, it is best that medication be given at home. Dosing of medication can frequently be done so that the child receives medication prior to going to Gingerbread Kids Academy, and again when returning home and/or at bedtime. The parent/guardian is encouraged to discuss this possibility with the child’s health care provider. Medications prescribed “once a day” will not be administered at Gingerbread Kids Academy.
  2. The first dose of any medication should always be given at home and with sufficient time before the child returns to Gingerbread Kids Academy to observe the child's response to the medication given. When a child is ill due to a communicable disease that requires medication as treatment, the health care provider may require that the child be on a particular medication for 24 hours before returning to Gingerbread Kids Academy. This is for the protection of the child who is ill, as well as the other children in the Gingerbread Kids Academy.
  3. Medication will only be given when ordered by the child's health care provider and with written consent of the child's parent/legal guardian. "Permission to Give Medication in Child Care" form must be completed before any medication will be given at Gingerbread Kids Academy.
  4. "As needed" medications may be given only when the child's health care provider completes a permission form that lists specific reasons and times when such medication can be given.
  5. Medications given in the Center will be administered by a staff member designated by the Center Director, and will have been informed of the child's health needs related to the medication, and will have had training in the safe administration of medication.
  6. Any prescription or over-the-counter medication brought to the child care center must be specific to the child who is to receive the medication, in its original container, have a child-resistant safety cap, and be labeled with the appropriate information as follows:
    • Prescription medication must have the original pharmacist label that includes the pharmacists phone number, the child's full name, name of the health care provider prescribing the medication, name and expiration date of the medication, the date it was prescribed or updated, and dosage, route, frequency, and any special instructions. It is suggested that the parent/guardian ask the pharmacies to provide the medication in two containers, one for home and one for use in childcare.
    • Over-the-counter medication must have the child's full name on the container, and the manufacturer's original label with dosage, route, frequency, and any special instructions for administration and storage, and expiration date must be clearly visible.
    • Any over-the-counter medication without instructions for administration specific to the age of the child receiving the medication must have a completed permission form from the health care provider prior to being given in the childcare center.
  7. All medications will be stored:
    • Inaccessible to children
    • Separate from staff or household medications
    • Under proper temperature control
    • A small lock box will be used in the refrigerator to hold medications requiring refrigeration
  8. For the child who receives a particular medication on a long-term daily basis, the staff will advise the parent/guardian one week prior to the medication needing to be refilled so that needed doses of medication are not missed.
  9. Unused or expired medication will be returned to the parent/guardian when it is no longer needed or be able to be used by the child.
  10. Records of all medication given to a child are completed in ink and are signed by the staff designated to give the medication. These records are maintained in the Center.
  11. Information exchange between the parent/guardian and child care provider about medication that a child is receiving should be shared when the child is brought to and picked up from the Center. Parents/guardians should share with the staff any problems, observations, or suggestions that they may have in giving medication to their child at home, and likewise with the staff from the Center to the parent/guardian.
  12. Confidentiality related to medications and the Center Director and staff will safeguard their administration. Parents/guardians may request to see/review their child's medication records maintained at the Center at any time.
  13. Parent/guardian will sign all necessary medication related forms that require their signature, and particularly in the case of the emergency contact form, will update the information as necessary to safeguard the health and safety of their child.
  14. Parent/guardian will authorize the Director or Director designee to contact the pharmacist or health care provider for more information about the medication the child is receiving, and will also authorize the health care provider to speak with the Director or Director's designee in the event that a situation arises that requires immediate attention to the child's health and safety particularly if the parent/guardian cannot be reached.
  15. Parent/guardian will read and have an opportunity to discuss the content of this policy with the Director or Director's designee. The parent signature on this policy is an indication that the parent accepts the guidelines and procedures listed in this policy and will follow them to safeguard the health and safety of their child.

Policy on the Management of Communicable Diseases

If a child exhibits any of the following symptoms, he/she should not attend school. If such symptoms occur at school, the child will be removed from the classroom and you will be called to take him/her home.

  • Severe pain or discomfort
  • Acute Diarrhea
  • Episodes of acute vomiting
  • Elevated oral temperature of 100.4
  • Sore throat or severe coughing
  • Yellow eyes or jaundice skin
  • Red eyes and discharge
  • Infected untreated skin patches
  • Difficult or rapid breathing
  • Skin lesions that are weeping or bleeding
  • Skin rashes lasting longer than 24 hours
  • Swollen joints
  • Visible enlarged lymph nodes
  • Stiff neck
  • Blood in urine

Once a child is symptom free or has physician stating that he/she no longer poses a serious health risk to himself/herself or others, he/she may return to the Center (as long as he/she is fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication).

Table of Communicable Diseases

If a child contracts any of the following diseases, please report it to us immediately. The child may not return to school unless physician states that the child presents no risk to himself/herself or others.

Respiratory Illnesses Gastrointestinal Illnesses Contact Illnesses
Chicken Pox Guardian Labia Impetigo
German Measles Hepatitis's A Louse
Homophiles influenza Salmonella Scabies
Measles Shigella  
Strep Throat    
Whooping Cough    


Diaper/Toilet Training Policy & Back-up Clothes

The Center will help with diaper training in the following manner. All children will have their diaper on until completely trained, but our staff will continue taking each child to the bathroom every hour. Diapers must be left on for health reasons.

Guidelines for Diapering Procedures:

  1. Change each child’s diaper when wet or soiled. Change clothing also if necessary. Keep a supply of clean diapers near changing table, but out of children’s reach.
  2. Wash and dry each child’s bottom during each diaper change with individual sanitary washcloth, paper towel or diaper wipe.
  3. After putting on the clean diaper, wash the child’s hands with soap and water and dry with individual cloth or paper towel.
  4. Place used diaper in a closed container that is lined with leak proof or impervious liner. Diapers must be removed daily. Disposable diapers must be returned to child’s garbage can with lid. Cloth diapers and soiled clothing must be returned to the child’s parent.
  5. Sanitize the area used for changing a child’s diaper with soap and water, followed by a disinfectant solution. You may use store-bought disinfectant or make your own by mixing one tablespoon of bleach per quart of water. Put in labeled, sealed container and keep out of the children’s reach. Discard any left over bleach solution at end of the day and mix a fresh supply each day. Clothes or sponges that are used to apply disinfectant should be changed daily and should not be used for any other purpose.
  6. Wash you hands with soap and water immediately after each diaper change. If you use disposable gloves, discard them first.
  7. If diapers/pull-ups are not replenished after two reminder notes are sent home, management will personally purchase diapers at the supermarket for your child. An invoice (with receipt attached) will be placed in your child’s cubby – however, it will be for twice the amount of the purchase price.
  8. We kindly ask that parents do not send their children to school wearing valuable or cherished clothing and/or accessories due to daily activities such as playground time, arts & crafts, meals, and potty training accidents. We strongly suggest your child ALWAYS has a sufficient supply of back-up clothes (especially potty trainers). If this supply depletes, parents must replenish it the following day. When providing back-up clothes, we ask that you bring the clothes directly to your child’s back-up bin, or to your child’s teacher – not leave it in his/her cubby. This is because when the accident occurs, the teacher may not know you replenished the supply, if it is left in the cubby. For assistance in locating your child’s back-up bin, please see his/her teacher. Don’t forget – INITIALS ON EVERYTHING! Should an accident occur, and there is no back-up clothes provided, the child will be given an article of clothing from the “Center Supply”. Borrowing from a friend will not be permitted. Center Supply clothing is not free, and is expected to be cleaned and returned. Failure to do so will result in a $4.00 charge for the cost of the item.

Celebrations Policy

Holidays and Birthdays are special times at the Center. We try to celebrate all holidays with the children with special art activities, stories, songs, finger plays, and special snacks. The most important celebrations are the children's individual birthdays. We try to make each birthday special for each child. We would welcome any contribution you, the parent or guardian, would like to make to help us celebrate any or all of the holidays. If you are interested in a special birthday celebration for your child, you can make arrangements with your child's teacher. We recognize that not all children and families celebrate the same holidays and ask that parents who wish to help us celebrate any additional holidays, please see the Assistant Director or Director to schedule these types of celebrations.

Daily Items to Bring to the Center

  • Blanket and sheet for crib 
  • Change of clothes (infants - 2 changes) with name labeled.
  • Bibs (for infants or toddlers).
  • Diapers (if needed).
  • Wipes (if needed).
  • Lunch for child labeled with name.
  • Bottles and formula labeled with name.
  • Pacifier (if needed).


Child Care Ratios

The following is taken directly from the Manual of Requirements for Staff to Child ratios:

Child Care Staff Ratios

Below 18 Months 1:4
18 months - 2.5 years 1:6
2.5 years – 4 years 1:10
4 years - 1:12
5 years - 1:15


Babysitting Policy

Employees of Gingerbread Kids Academy are no longer allowed to baby-sit for students, and/or siblings of students enrolled at Gingerbread Kids Academy.

Safety Seat Policy

Children transported in vehicles must be buckled securely into car safety seats / seatbelts that meet state requirements. Parents will take whatever steps are necessary to maintain and use car safety seats. Another person on the authorized list will be called if this requirement is not met.

Policy on Credit Days, Holidays and Early Closings

It is the policy of the Center NOT to issue any credit for missed days, holidays, early closing due to unforeseen weather or circumstances beyond our control, vacations, or illnesses. This policy guarantees your child’s place in our program. Please notify the center if your child will be absent due to illness, or any other circumstance

Policy on Tuition

We encourage parents to pay the tuition at the beginning of each week to avoid any unnecessary administrative paper work. A discount is offered for second siblings. Referral credits are also given. Please see our Pricing page for additional information.